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Abbigale Loncke


1. How long have you been in business and how did you get started?

Business name: Abbi's Home Care Agency (formerly known as Community Health Care), established in 2016 is a home health care provider that caters to those who are sick, elderly and disabled by providing in-home care and support. My company started because of a personal need - at the time of establishment, my grandfather was sick and our family needed in-home care for him. We found it difficult to find care that was reliable and affordable and from my experience of working in care, I created this business.


2. What do you think is responsible for your success in business?

Our business is centered around customer service and I believe that our unique approach to customer service has helped us to gain fantastic reviews and more clients. What has also contributed to our success was the company being recognized by former US President Barrack Obama for the work we are doing in Guyana - from then to now our company has always been recognized as the premier home care provider with Guyanese both at home and abroad.


3. What would you say is your greatest challenge in managing a business?

My greatest challenge earlier on was understanding business for what it is. I never studied business and so I thought that my knowledge of home care was enough to be successful in business. I was wrong! I spent the first year of being an entrepreneur making mistakes and failing miserably and so the challenge was understanding business in itself. I had to take a step back, gain some formal knowledge on business, get a mentor and surround myself with people that could help me understand the process more.


4. What is your outlook for your business/industry?

The health care industry is always changing and Guyana being able to adapt to the rest of the world's advances is what I am hopeful for. Technological advances that would help doctors focus on their treatment of patients because according a study, physicians spend 21% of their time doing non clinical work, which takes away from their time with patients and can contribute to burn out. The use of AI or even cognitive technologies could automate many daily duties and give physician and clinicians more time to practice medicine.


5. Which macro factor do you think is driving your business/industry the most and how should companies respond to be able to compete?

Our business has always been affected by our economy both positively and negatively. How we charge clients for the services we offer is dependent on how our economy is doing. A boost in our economy would mean a boost in the spending power of the people and ultimately mean for us that more individuals could be able to afford to use our services to provide adequate care for their loved ones. Companies can compete in this economy by having services or products that is needed and of high standard - people pay for what they need.